
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Stomp on THAAD!

In its arrogance and desperate rush to encircle China and Russia with so-called 'missile defense' systems, the US is successfully driving formerly conservative communities in rural South Korea into the arms of the peace movement.

As you can see in this short music video the people are learning the songs and dances that are such a big part of Korean progressive movement culture and they are having fun.

The US has a 'no holds barred' strategy as Washington-London-Brussels-Paris-Berlin know that their window of control of the planet is closing.  China and Russia (being now joined by other nations not part of the western club) are moving to open a different window, a much bigger window, called multi-polar world.

Virtually every military move Washington makes though is creating more opposition thus their plan for 'full spectrum dominance' is running into the reality of  'full spectrum resistance'.

All that is needed now is for the vast majority of the American people to wake up from their deep sleep so they can join the rest of the planet in recognizing who the real terrorists are these days.


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