
Monday, December 28, 2015

Courting the Nazi Operatives

This is an authoritative account of the postwar relationship between Nazi intelligence chief General Reinhard Gehlen who came to work for the US after the war and was eventually put in charge of intelligence in post-WW II West Germany.

Gehlen was instrumental in creating the US-NATO 'Gladio' program of terrorism across Europe that was used to discredit the left.

The documentary also covers the US secret program called 'Operation Paperclip' that smuggled about 1,500 Nazi operatives into the US to work in the military space program, NASA, Air Force Flight Medicine program, MK Ultra Mind Control program,  CIA, and more.  The entire military industrial complex of the US was seeded with these Nazi war criminals.

Was there an ideological contamination that followed?


  1. THE BIG LIE is so true
    and a paradox
    to fight through

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
