
Thursday, January 15, 2015

Preperations for War with Russia

A train loaded with US military vehicles, including Strykers, Humvees, and SUVS was seen rolling through the city of Klaipeda, Thursday, as American troops resume NATO training in the region. The 2nd Cavalry Regiment arrived in Lithuania from their base in Vilseck, Germany, on Janary 8th. The US troops have since resumed allied training under 'Operation Atlantic Resolve', with the Lithuanian military.

You can be certain that after these war games are over near the Russian border that this military hardware will be left there in anticipation of future uses.

Will this mean war for sure?  The US often puts a loaded gun to the head of a particular nation and finds that the threat itself is enough to get its way.  Will such a threat work with Russia?

Why is this happening?  Follow the money.  See this latest big story about Russia turning off its gas pipeline to Europe through Ukraine.  Click here 

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