
Tuesday, December 09, 2014

We Are In Lockdown - Can We See It?

A domestic Gladio fear-terror operation is underway throughout the nation intended to make the public turn to the authority structure for protection.  The mob called it the 'protection racket' ... now- a-days its called the Department of Homeland Security.

Can we see the links between militarized local cops and the armed neo-fascist para-military forces heavily funded by corporate right-wing cats?   Can we see El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua all over again right here at home?

We are in lockdown now here in the USA.  Can we even see it?  Can we understand how Mr. Big wants to control all of us?  Can we get over our addiction to "success" mythology which keeps us in line?

This is a powerful video to me because I crawled under my desk in the early 1960's 'hiding' from the possible explosion of a nuclear bomb over our heads at Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota where we lived.  Then the 'enemy' was commies and today the 'enemy' is terrorism - even harder to define and contain.  We've been manipulated all of our lives.  

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