
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Trouble Loading the Blog?

I've been hearing from a few people that my blog has lately been difficult to pull up.  When we did some testing from various locations we found that in fact Internet Explorer was extremely slow to load this blog - to the point that a few folks gave up entirely, thinking it was not working at all.

People who used Firefox had no loading problems nor did those using Google Chrome.

I appreciate your visits to this blog and hope you can get the full view of it without troubles.  I did reduce the numbers of posts on the homepage so that it might not take so long to load. 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it's true that for a few days your site has been slow to load, but then good things are worth waiting for. I ask yours to load to a separate window and continue to "multi-task" while I wait. Quite a number of sites have been suffering similar symptoms; it's probably a function of your having been earmarked in some way. There have been numerous DDoS attacks lately, as I'm sure you're aware. While I'm on that note, let me put in a plug:

    I ordered a copy of ”Behold a Pale Farce
    Cyberwar, Threat Inflation, and the Malware Industrial Complex“.  It arrived on Christmas Eve. A copy of it should be on your doorstep before the New Year is too old.

    “… if you're interested in a book on cyberwar, Blunden and Cheung's is the one to read.”
