
Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Sicily: Plant Seeds Not War

A hundred miles off the coast of Africa, the American military has built a base in Niscemi, Sicily. Behind the cordoned-off facility, there is a new war instrument : the Mobile User Objective System (MUOS).

According to journalist Antonio Mazzeo Due, “The MUOS embodies the many contradictions of neoliberal globalization. It kills in the name of peace and order. It destroys the climate, the environment, the land. It squanders human and financial resources.”

Sicilian activists are against the military exploitation of their land and have been organizing to fight against the MUOS. For the No MUOS resistance Sicily is a bridge of peace between Africa and Europe. 

Yesterday morning, the activist Turi Vaccaro has broken into the US military base to plant some seeds of fig trees and to meditate. The US army captured him and transferred him to the Italian police. 

This act by Turi comes after similar actions by NO MUOS activists over the course of the last year. By taking back the land, even briefly, they are resisting the neo-colonial expansion of the US military.

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