
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Peace in the New Year!

Checking in from the Crooked River State Park next to the King's Bay nuclear submarine base on the Georgia-Florida border.  We vigiled at the front gate of the navy base yesterday as workers were going home.  I handed out quite a few leaflets to drivers as I stood in the concrete strip in the middle of the road in the lane exiting the base.  Folks had to wait at a traffic light so it was hard to avoid me.  About a dozen of us were spread out on various corners with signs, banners, and leaflets.  I only received 3-4 negative responses as I kept wishing the drivers a Happy New Year.  It was more positive than I would have anticipated.

Our crowded retreat (25 of us) inside a cabin at the state park began this morning with me speaking about the work of the Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space.  We had a lively question and answer session following my talk.

After lunch some of us walked on the nature trails through the woods to the marsh so we could get a view of the back side of the navy base where the nuclear killing machines are docked.  Then we went back to the cabin and had an interesting discussion about the current state of the Catholic church - one active and three former Catholic priests led the discussion.

Tonight after dinner we go back to the gate of the navy base for a candlelight vigil to bring on the new year.  Can't think of a better place to be than here and so glad to be back with so many long-time peace friends and co-workers.  Thirty-four years this annual event has happened here at the base - a lesson in stick-to-it-ivness and a statement that we will not ignore the waste, insanity, and immorality of the nuclear arms machine.

Best in the new year to all of you - or as they say here down south - 'happy new year y'all'.  Love and peace to you and your families and best wishes in your work for justice and real peace.

Stay active and remember that you are not alone - you don't have to do it all - just do your bit and see how an engaged global citizenry adds up to something powerful!

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