
Thursday, November 06, 2014

Ukraine Heating Up Again

The US-NATO war on Russia, via Ukraine, is coming back into view now that our elections are over.  Americans can get back to TV and shopping and leave the heavy lifting to Washington and the Pentagon.

All kinds of heavily funded 'progressive' organizations (endowed with corporate money and many strings) will soon be telling us that full bore war (Syria style) in Ukraine will be ok - it will be about freedom and liberty.

One example is the advert above from 'Human Rights Watch' (HRW) which trashes Russia.  But when the microscope took a good look at the piece the bullshit alarms went off.  The pictured woman was in Ukraine not in Russia as inferred by HRW. Behind the woman are Ukrainian cops, not Russian, during the May neo-Nazi burning of the Trades Hall in Odessa where more than 40 peaceful people were killed and many more injured.

Human Rights Watch is working for the man - I've previously read that Hillary Clinton had control of the organization while she was playing Secretary of State.  She put her agent in place to run the operation.

Got to ask, who the hell can we trust?  Bottom line question is who are you getting your $$$$ from?

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