
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Walking in New Mexico for Corporate Free Election$

Sally Alice Thompson lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is 91 years old. She is a veteran and a long-time loyal member of Veterans For Peace.  On several of my trips to speak in her state over the years she drove me around from event to event.

I learned that Sally is now leading a Walk to Get the Money Out of Politics.  She's walking from Albuquerque to the state capital in Santa Fe at the rate of six miles per day.  As you can see in the photo she is drawing a crowd of followers.  She carries a mop with dollar bill$ pinned to it.

Friend Bob Anderson from Stop the War Machine (and Global Network board member) writes:

That woman at 91 has more energy than I do…. she just goes from thing to thing and keeps writing songs for the Raging Grannies.  She has a new one for this to the tune of 'Hit the Road Jack' by Ray Charles.  Hope I live as long and well as her…Thursday 10/23 is day 11 of the Walk. 

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