
Sunday, October 05, 2014

Vigil at Bath Iron Works

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Fifteen folks held a midday vigil yesterday at Bath Iron Works in Maine where destroyers are made for the Navy and are being outfitted with 'missile offense' systems.  These war ships are being deployed by the Pentagon to the coastal regions near China and Russia.

We timed our vigil for when the Saturday shift let out and hundreds of workers walked and drove right past us as we stood near the south gate of the shipyard.  Increasingly we are getting positive reactions from the workers who see our signs with wind turbines and rail systems on them and words that say "Made in Bath".  We've been trying to show workers that our goal is to see a transformation of the shipyard to building things that will help us deal with climate change rather than continuing to build weapons systems that are enormously expensive, destabilizing, and only exacerbate our carbon bootprint and worsen climate change.

Photos by Peter Woodruff (retired BIW worker)

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