
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Techno-Utopianism at Cooper Union

MB and I are staying at a hotel along Korea Way in New York City.  Yesterday we spent a 12-hours listening to speeches at the Techo-Utopianism & the Fate of the Earth conference inside the Great Hall at Copper Union.

My panel (along with old friends Dr. Helen Caldicott and Gar Smith) was the last of the day beginning at 7:45 pm.  After we finished MB and I took a cab back to Korea Way and went inside an all-night Korean restaurant just across from our hotel and had a beer and steamed dumplings.  Perfect late night snack.

The podium used by all the speakers at the conference was the same one used by Abraham Lincoln when we spoke at Cooper Union in 1860.

Ralph Nader and Bill McKibben spoke just before my panel - it was that kind of a day.  One excellent speaker after the other on the great challenges facing our Mother Earth.  The main point of all the speeches is don't expect technology to bail us out of our current ecological mess - we've got to quit being sold the bill of goods that technology equals progress and should never be questioned. 

Things continue again today until just after 7:00 pm.  MB and I will then have dinner with Global Network board member Alice Slater who is also attending the conference.

We are back on the train to Boston early Monday morning.  I'll have time to write more about the conference then.  It's really been an honor to have been invited to speak along with such leading scholars and activists.

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