
Sunday, October 19, 2014

Peace Walk Arrives in Saco

We walked 17 miles today from downtown Portland to Saco where the UCC church will host a pot luck supper and provide home stays for all of us.  Bob Klotz, a leader of Maine, did the first three miles with us and took this photo. and some others that he posted on Facebook.

Also this morning, just as we were starting from Monument Square in Portland, a woman from Montana saw us and walked two miles with us.  She is in Maine on vacation.  Surprisingly she just turned up at the church here in Saco and is going to walk with us tomorrow.

We are expecting a large group of Veterans For Peace from the Boston area to arrive here this evening.  They plan to join the pot luck supper tonight and walk with us tomorrow as well.  Several others who have walked with us earlier in the week will also come back for the final day.

After the vigil at Pratt Whitney we will be hosted for dinner by our friends Karen Wainberg and Brown Lathem who live in North Berwick.

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