
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Elections & Voting Almost Over

Most eligible voters
don't vote
it's hard to argue
with them
their reasons
are based on
their graduation
from the school
of hard knocks

People feel betrayed
by the system
where the human
is free to get crushed
in the grinders
of greed

Nature is only
a tool
a commodity
to make $$$$
which always comes
and in the middle

My first vote
in '72
I take pride
in never voting
for Bush dynasty
Clinton dynasty
or Obama
but I still go
to the polls

I believe in the idea
that the people rule
but the problem
is the people
can't decide on
what they don't
corporate media
drowns the story
and upgrades
and sports pages

As the old
saying goes
you are what you eat
same goes for media
we become what we
are told
by the oligarchy
that owns the TV,
radio, newspaper,
(with a couple
notable exceptions
here or there)

One time
in the voting booth
I had no one to
even if I held
my nose
So I put
the ballots
thru the machine
as blank
as when they
were handed to me

I don't want
to give up my vote
I just can't wait
for the elections
to be over
so we can
get back to work
on what counts

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