
Sunday, October 12, 2014

Big Action in Japan Opposing US 'Missile Offense' Radar

Global Network board member Atsushi Fujioka in Japan writes today:

We had a people's gathering to say No to the construction of the US Army's X-band radar site on Kyogamisaki in Kyoto, which will be a first US base in Kansai region of 30 million population. 1,400 people including many local people, with more than 20 buses, gathered at the auditorium of Ukawa Middle School. In the opening session, I talked and introduced GN's Message of solidarity, mentioning this is probably the first demonstration which was connected with GN's events commemorating the Keep Space for Peace Solidarity Week. I also mentioned GN 's annual meeting will be held in Kyoto in the next July, and lots of activist will come to this Auditorium to say No to the US 'Missile Defense' site.

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