
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Remember Odessa

This video seems to very convincingly positively identify a man brutally beating people who were lying prostrate who had just fallen 3 stories out of a burning building during the Odessa massacre.  It has English subtitles.

Its important because this massacre was a major flash point and became a catalyst for the entire Ukraine conflict, galvanizing public opinion in East Ukraine and Russia, horrified by what had happened.

On May 2 there was a grisly massacre in Odessa when more than 40 pro-Russian demonstrators were burned alive in a building after being set upon by pro-Ukrainian activists. 

The pro-Russian side says that they were unarmed, were viciously attacked by heavily armed pro-Kiev, neo-nazi activists, from which they fled, seeking refuge in a trade union building.  They claim the activists then set fire to the building, where many of the pro-Russians died in the flames, and that even when trying to escape the building, they were shot at and physically attacked.

The pro-Kiev side says that after street fighting with the pro-Russians, they barricaded themselves into the building, and that the fire started accidentally, and denies continuing to attack the victims in the building.

There is abundant video evidence to show that the pro-Kiev nationalists in fact did attack the trades hall and kill the defenseless people inside the building.  No one has ever been brought to justice for these crimes.

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