
Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Bri, Nicole, MB and I worked the Veterans for Peace table at the Brunswick peace fair last Saturday 

  • The 10th annual peace fair last weekend in neighboring Brunswick was better attended than any I had ever remembered.  Likely had to do with the outrageous Gaza massacre going on and local folks needed to be around one another so they could share their feelings. Community is important, especially during dark times.  I was busy all day talking with people and handing out literature from VFP, the Global Network, PeaceWorks, and from Jeju Island.
  • The cease fire in Gaza is welcomed I'm sure by the Palestinian people.  Israel is catching hell all around the world and the boycott of Israeli products is spreading like wild fire.  You can see the list of products that are being boycotted hereI would love to see the International Criminal Court take some serious action against Israel's genocide of the Palestinian people. 
  • Ukraine continues to unravel under the controlling hands of US-EU.  Without their support the Kiev regime would have likely fallen by now.  More innocents are being killed daily by Kiev's shelling of population centers from a safe distance.  The recent mass desertions into Russia by Ukrainian troops is a welcome sign that those soldiers have figured out that they are on a fool's errand.  The western media twists the facts of these white flag waving soldiers from Ukraine.  They make it sound that Russia forced them over the border.  The media is always looking for a way to submerge the truth.  It's gotten so now you can spot the lies quickly when you listen to NPR or the BBC.
  • Our Global Network newsletter Space Alert! is now at the printer.  I finished up with the editing on Monday and our layout person Nancy Randolph did her usual great job of piecing it all together.  Now it is sitting at the printers waiting to be run.  You can see the online version here
  • I head to Biddeford again tomorrow evening to tape another TV show on the public access program done by Richard Rhames.  He wants to talk about Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  I was just down there last month - it always good to be with Richard - one of the sharpest guys I've ever met. 
  • We'll hold another Gaza peace vigil here in Bath this coming Sunday at noon.  We will meet on the corner of Washington & Centre Streets.  Public opinion is rapidly moving against Israel's wicked policies and we need to stay visible with our protests.
  • My Op-Ed was published in our local paper today.  It's called Why Endless War? and you can see it here

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