
Friday, December 13, 2013


[Seventeen] people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy, local security officials said on Thursday.

The officials did not identify the plane in the strike in central al-Bayda province, but tribal and local media sources said that it was a drone. Fifteen people on their way to a wedding in Yemen were killed in an air strike after their party was mistaken for an al Qaeda convoy, local security officials said on Thursday.

When I went to the Drone Summit in Washington last month a woman from Yemen really caught my ear when she said they they'd never heard of al-Qaeda until the US weaponized drone strikes began.  She also said that they believed the US was testing drones on them and would some day use them on the American people as well.  Think a bit about that one.......

  • There has been an interesting discussion on a Veterans for Peace list about the situation in Ukraine.  One Vietnam veteran, Bill Perry from the Philadelphia area, wrote a response to an earlier email that said, "Hats off to the 50 some Afghan veterans who stood up to the special police, the Berkut, in Ukraine."

    I wouldn't get too excited over this...

    CIA Asset Popovic (Orange Revolution, and other "Color revolutions", as well as some of the "Arab Spring" uprisings) are ALL part of our CIA & State Dep't Geopolitical plan of  installing the US/NATO "Missile Shield" around Russia (similar to our "Asia Pivot" to encircle China).

    The fact that "I made it absolutely clear to him that what happened last night, what has been happening in security terms here, is absolutely impermissible in a European state, in a democratic state,” Victoria Nuland, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian Affairs, said after a two-hour meeting with [Ukraine head man] Yanukovych".

    The fact that this scumbag made this statement, and was backed up by John Kerry, saying the exact same thing, should make you want to look into this, a bit more.

    ANY objective observer knows both she, and John Kerry are flat out lying, about "this wouldn't happen in a democratic state". How bout dem OCCUPY's that were VIOLENTLY cleared in NYC, Philly, Oakland, SF, L.A., Greece, Portugal, Spain, et al?  Hundreds of beaten & gassed Occupy's, across the planet ~~   ALL "Democracies".

    When you see our Sec'y of State, our Sec'y of Defense, and oBOMBa's administration ALL lying to promote BALKANIZATION, red flags should go up.

    Once red flags go up, you can learn that these wonderful Ukrainian Veterans are Neo Nazis, and the street crowds are Reich wing libertarians, and, most comical, the actual working folks in the EU countries do NOT want the Ukraine peeps in the EU.

    Typical Great American Theater!
    bill perry

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