
Saturday, December 01, 2012


  • I did a two-hour radio interview today with Rick Staggenborg from Oregon on his SFPI Radio which is broadcast on the Internet and available on podcast.  You can listen to it here. Rick did a good job of studying our Global Network website and came up with lots of good questions to keep the interview moving along.  Several people from around the country called into the show and we've already got a new member from Tucson, Arizona who heard the interview and sent in his membership.  So it appears Rick has a good listening audience.
  • I am suffering a bad cold so a few times my voice started to give out on me but I got through it all in the end.
  • I spent the afternoon at Bowdoin College in Brunswick watching the women's and men's basketball games in a double-header.  I love to watch basketball live - I spent many hours as a boy on the court playing ball.  I'd still be doing it today except my knees are shot from the years of pounding on the hardwood and cement courts.
  • Our newsletter gets printed Monday.  The local newspaper prints it for us and they will do the mailing to our national list.  I will do the mailing to our international list and it will take me a full day to complete that job.  After that it will be a slow week until next weekend when I go to New York City for an organizing strategy meeting being put together by some Veterans For Peace and Occupy folks.  Should be an interesting trip.  
  • On Sunday, December 9 the local PeaceWorks group will hold their annual holiday party here at the Addams-Melman House in Bath.  Will be from 2-4 pm.  All are invited to attend.  Bring some finger food to share.  I will get back from NYC just in time for the party.

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