
Saturday, June 02, 2012


Alistair Crooke, a former British intelligence officer talks about the killings in the Houla area on Friday, 25 May, 2012. He says that it is very unlikely that soldiers would have committed such atrocities. It bears more the signature of some anti-Shia Iraqi killings squads.

Former Pentagon analyst Thomas Barnett called for a NATO intervention into Syria this morning on U.S. National Public Radio.  Barnett suggests that NATO's intervention could "speed the killing".  His call is one more piece of evidence that NATO proponents are increasingly trying to circumvent the United Nations in favor of the U.S.-dominated "alliance".  You can listen to his interview here

An alternative analysis of the Houla Massacre and the overall Syrian situation can be found here

Also an interesting story about BBC using a photo from Iraq in 2003 to show bodies of the dead in Syria can be found here

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