
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


1 comment:

  1. Bruce,

    I have been evaluating Ron Paul's Plan To Restore America. Within, there is a breakdown of his budget proposals (including where he wants to see cuts).

    He provides detail showing a 35% cut to Medicaid, a 40% cut to SCHIP and a 63% cut to Food Stamps.

    He also graces us with a WHOPPING 15% cut to military.

    There is no way he is ending a single war at 15%, much less ending the Empire.

    Worse is the fact that there are tax breaks galore for the wealthy and not a single line item that will help the poor.

    Is it possible that austerity is the agenda, no matter whom is sElected?

    Is it possible, that "Paulsterity" is being brought to America in a Trojan Horse?

    I can confirm that each and every individual I know personally is having the most difficult time of their life and NOW is NOT the time to cut what social safety net is available.

    BTW: look at his plan (the very last graphic) to see that his proposed cuts take the spending back down to 2005 levels (which is hardly a whimper).

    I covered this at my place:

    And have subsequent posts since.
