
Saturday, December 03, 2011


It is good to see students at the University of Maine-Orono getting organized. Last October several of us spent the day leafleting on that campus about the connection between endless war spending and fiscal crisis at home.

Right now in Maine there is growing effort in Bangor, Augusta, and Portland to shut down the Occupy encampments. Their days appear to be numbered. We have a meeting in Augusta today of our Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home and we will also be discussing how the Occupy movement can shift gears and remain vital as local governments move to shut down the camps.

I think it is important for Occupy to have a broader tactical menu to select from - it seems to me the current encampments have been drawn into the governmental "permitting" black hole that have sapped their energy, creativity, and vitality.

It's time to take back the agenda.

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