
Thursday, December 08, 2011


10 Years Too Many: National Day of Action Against Guantanamo

Join us in Washington, DC on January 11, 2012 to close Guantanamo!

When the Senate voted to down Mark Udall's (D-CO) amendment last Tuesday, the National Defense Authorization Act is now set to include provisions that would allow military police the streets, expand Guantanamo and indefinite detention elsewhere, and force certain terrorism suspects into military custody instead of charging them with crimes in civilian courts. In response to these draconian and shameful measures, Witness Against Torture continues to call for justice, human rights and the rule of law.

To mark the 10th anniversary of unlawful counter-terrorism detentions at Guantanamo and to call for an end to indefinite detention and unfair trials, we will be creating a human chain between the White House and the Capitol. We need 2,700 people – the number of detainees still unlawfully held by the US government at Guantanamo and Bagram.

For more info click here

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