
Thursday, April 21, 2011


April 20, 2011 is the 97th Anniversary of the Ludlow, Colorado Mining Massacre.

1 comment:

  1. There's a few important dates around this too... Waco, Oklahoma City, Lexington and Concord... And next week is ANZAC day memorializing another monster-proportion FlusterCluck.
    I got caught up listening to some Woody Guthrie just now, don't know where my head was on the Ludlow thing because it's right down the road from here and a big issue, usually.

    In case any of the "Right To Work Law" proponents want to know exactly the consequences of no union representation is, that's it right there.

    Speaking of, there's a rider in the First Responders Health Care bill, the people who are entitled to the health care have to submit to a background check to make sure they're not (accused of being) terrorists.

    The Right Wing uses us up, throws away, even their brightest poster child examples like the 9/11 FDNY.

    They used 9/11 images to sell the war and to sell Chevy Trucks, that last was one of the worst examples of commercialistic Tackiness I've ever seen.

    They're gunning for the Unions and if we don't put up enough resistance, they'll do it with real guns again.
