
Sunday, November 07, 2010


This photo is from a national meeting held in New York City over the weekend. Notice our Maine banner hanging over the crowd. The meeting was to further plan the growing national effort to connect war spending to the economic collapse. One of our Maine Bring Our War $$ Home campaign leaders, Gary Higginbottom, went to represent us at the meeting.

The peace walk has arrived in Rockland with about 20 local people joining us the last two miles as we came into town. Earlier in the day a dozen folks from Belfast walked 12 miles with us as far as Lincolnville Beach. The support we are getting along the way has been wonderful.

Early this morning Maine Veterans for Peace member Bob Lezer, who was on the walk for the first several days, went to Portland to be on one of the network TV shows for a five-minute live interview about the walk. During one of our breaks this morning a person who worked at a diner we stopped at said she saw Bob on the tube. So the word continues to spread across the state about our effort.

In the morning we head toward Bath and plan a vigil at Bath Iron Works at 3:30 pm as the workers leave the shipyard. The weather forecasts cold and rain all day so it will be a tough one.

We've had acupuncturists and/or massage therapists at every evening stop along the way so far. Their help has been an enormous contribution helping us do as well as we have so far.

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