
Sunday, November 14, 2010



  1. Yeah, we had a similar issue here in the Springs 3 and a half years ago at the St Paddies parade. The police were beating down 7 of our members, mostly elderly/disabled,in a parade in which we had paid our ticket to participate (Freedom isn't free, the license to participate cost $60) and the Parade Grand Marshall decided after two blocks that a message of Peace was too political in what was turned into a "Support the War" extravaganza.

    A couple of things, more than a couple actually, that are supposedly off limits to discuss with the Other Side in this: The Al Khaly (no really, that's their temple name) Shrine band were playing "God Save the Queen" (maybe I should give them the benefit of My Country tis of thee" but I ain't. I just ain't) an Irish Republic parade and they were playing the British national anthem, Ireland REFUSED to join the Koalition of the Killing, and while the po-po were beating down elderly and disabled people, including a retired Judge, some in the crowd felt it meet to chant "they're fighting for YOUR freedom you filthy hippies!" They also had a contingent of what I think were Royal Marines stationed at Ft Carson marching in the parade.

    The difference is, they had allowed us, in advance, to participate... until they pulled the "too political" card which trumps all freedoms.
    St Paddies NOT a political event? Since when?

    And Veterans Day likewise? They changed the name from Armistice Day in order to attempt appeasement for their (at the time) recent use of armed force, led by MacArthur, Eisenhower and Patton, including some gunfire, to break up an encampment and daily parade of Spanish War and The World War (at the time, they didn't have a second to make it the First) veterans petitioning President Hoover not to sell their promised pensions and other benefits to his wealthy Investment Banker supporters.

    They give us PTSD, Helmet Head, DU, Agent Orange, a suicide rate that shocks even the experts, and then to "kissie make all better" they give us a parade, a postal holiday and bumper stickers and Stupid Little Magnetic Yellow Ribbons.

  2. Brother Jonah11/16/10, 9:34 AM

    and a combined moral/financial debt burden that will soon be too big to ever be lifted off our grandchildrens shoulders.
