
Tuesday, November 02, 2010


More than 100 people turned up for the Maine peace walk pot luck supper tonight in Farmington, Maine - half of whom were college students. The students set up the tables and worked in the kitchen serving the food and cleaning up afterwards.

We arrived in Farmington early and went to a coffee shop so I could check my emails. While there we found the University of Maine-Farmington student newspaper with a full page front cover photo of Buddhist monk Brother Kato who will be leading the walk. Inside the paper were two stories about the walk, one about an 18 year old student named Alex who intends to walk the whole way to Portland. She has lined up other students to donate per mile with the proceeds going to their new student peace group called Paint - Peace activists in training.

We begin walking to Skowhegan (14.4 mile day) at 8:30 in the morning. Weather forecast is sunny but cold.

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