
Monday, November 08, 2010


G20 Protests in Seoul, South Korea

  • I am really out of touch with much of the current news but am home tonight and have a bit of a chance to get caught up. I took a hot bath to soak my legs and feet. Now I want to add a few important items to the blog.
  • The G20 has been meeting in recent days in South Korea and the protests have been large there in opposition to the corporate takeover of the global economy and politics. You can see extensive photos and articles about the protests here
  • Last night I stayed in the home of friend Jerry Call near Rockland as the peace walk came through his community. Jerry had a sudden heart attack three weeks ago and died as he was being transported to the hospital but was revived by one of the emergency workers. He said he was walking into a peaceful fog as he passed into the great beyond and then was brought back into this dimension. He is on his feet now and came to the pot luck. We are very lucky to have Jerry back with us. He was the leading organizer in Maine during the past year of the movement for a single-payer health care program.
  • While at Jerry's place this morning we were watching the TV news and saw Obama speaking in India. As Obama was there selling them $15 billion worth of weapons of war he was quoting Gandhi left and right. It was enough to make me sick. But it was vintage Obama - the magician - watch both his hands and both sides of his mouth.

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