
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Treatment centres are being prepared in Haiti to deal with the further possible spread of cholera. The outbreak is believed to have started ten days ago and has claimed over 330 lives. Aid agencies are also mobilising in case Tropical storm Tomas makes landfall. Al Jazeera's Craig Mauro reports on the attempts to contain the disease.

1 comment:

  1. And the cholera apparently started from a "peacekeeping" army base sponsored by the U.N.

    Haiti, where help comes at gunpoint. I knew a few Haitian people in Texas. It amazed me no end, and still does, that they weren't driven to fire breathing radicalism by what was done to their country. And their families. That was back in the 1980s and the downward spiral hadn't yet reached well... you know.
    But it was still worse than anything that has yet happened to the Ruling Class of the United States. They've done it to quite a lot of groups of people, AMERICAN people, as bad as was done to Haiti. But the Ruling Class has yet to suffer those plagues.
    So far. They're literally Hell-Bent on getting such Karma visited upon them though.
