Friday, September 17, 2010


If you are not familiar with Building 7 at the World Trade Center on 9-11 just click here

1 comment:

Brother Jonah said...

Il Rudi, supposedly, was away playing musical mistresses and dodging his former and current wives when his office went down. Maybe he was, his adult handlers told him he could just take the day off.

Now he's got a career going around the country giving seminars where he's an Expert on terrorism, his expertise consisting of being skunked, by his own account, twice by the same group in the same place on his watch.
They had a special on History International or one of the other Fiction Cable channels "Giuliani Speaks about 9/11".

And I was right, they DID have to pad it out a bit to make an hour long minus commercial time show. Otherwise the show would have lasted less than a minute.