
Sunday, May 09, 2010


Portland, Maine City Council recently voted 7-1 on a resolution addressed to Congress demanding they Bring Our War $$ Home.

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll has found that the war in Afghanistan is once again opposed by a majority of Americans. Fifty-two percent of respondents said the war is not worth fighting, which means the bump in support for the war that followed Obama's announcing his new Afghanistan strategy in December has disappeared.

Congress will soon vote on another war supplemental in the amount of $33 billion. Now is the time to contact your representative in the House of Representatives and say NO more war funding. Bring Our War $$ Home.

Call your member of Congress at 202-225-3121

The peace movement needs to show that it is not in the pocket of the Democratic Party by speaking out loudly against this new war supplemental.

Movement loyalty trumps party loyalty.

1 comment:

  1. Sage (@AnuSage)5/17/10, 4:23 PM

    Thanks for showing this video on your site. I saw the link for it on twitter (@EmergentCulture). Those speaking at the Portland City Council meeting in favor of ending the funding of the war in Iraq with their city dollars were all very articulate and peaceful in their statements. It was so great to see a community united in what could have been a very divisive matter. I do find it unfortunate that anyone would feel the need to qualify his/her anti-war sentiments by adding that while they don't want to fund this endless war, they do of course support all the troops--as if one could negate the other. I never even doubted any of those council members' appreciation and support of all those involved in the war.
