
Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The U.S. imperial empire - bases, bases and more bases. Money, money and more money.

Control and domination.....extraction of declining supplies of oil and natural gas....resource rich African continent....the creation of Africa Command (AfriCom).....endless export as America's role under corporate technology coordinating all U.S. warfare.....your tax dollars at work.....shutting down social U.S. bases in Colombia right along the border of oil-rich Venezuela......NATO expansion surrounding natural gas-rich Russia......bases surrounding China......empire....empire....more empire....Democrats and Republicans together, working in harmony, to fund empire of bases.....Democrats and Republicans, working in harmony, together destroy social progress in America because we can't afford guns and butter anymore......

Imperial America.

Imperial Japan......fascist Germany.......blitzkrieg....invasion and occupation of other countries who had done nothing to provoke Japan or Germany......deja vu all over again

Good Germans....compliant Japanese......Americans busy with consumerism and distracted by TV......Americans look the other way...turn our heads....maybe it will all go away....maybe our imperial Army will just vanish and we won't have to react......if we react someone might think poorly of us....go along to get along.....Obama will fix it....that's life in America.

MLK told us our soul was dead.

He was right and we killed him.

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