
Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Deer Isle, Maine is a beautiful place for many reasons. One of them is obvious. The other maybe less so. At their annual town hall meeting Deer Isle citizens have just become the first community in the nation to vote in favor of a resolution calling on Congress to Bring Our War $$ Home.

Our friend Dud Hendrick, who is also the president of Maine Veterans for Peace, reports that his town has just voted by a margin of 67% in favor of the resolution. Dud recalls that, "After the announcement was made, the moderator -- a notorious conservative who has no use for our politics, quoted Thomas Jefferson, to the effect that this was an exercise of fundamental democracy -- citizens coming together to discuss important issues -- a startling observation."

There is a saying around here that goes like this - as Maine goes, so goes the nation.

Let the people be given the chance to speak out on this issue of endless war and the drain of our resources. There is no doubt in my mind that the public indeed supports the call to bring our war $$ home. Let the organizing flourish to give voice to the people!

Thank you Deer Isle.

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