
Tuesday, December 08, 2009


The Nation magazine ran a story last month reporting that the US military is paying the Taliban in Afghanistan not to attack our supply we are funding the "enemy" not to attack us so we can fight them another day. As Rep. Dennis Kucinich says in the video, this war is a racket!

Do you want to give another huge sum of money to keep this madness alive?

If you can, please show me one mainstream media outlet that has covered this story? Why are they not covering this crucial story?

INFO UPDATE: My sister Leslie called this morning to say she found a CBS News story about the US paying the Taliban so she wants a public confession from me. So, OK the mainstream media covered the story - just a teeny bit anyway. You can see the story here

But it's not the same story Leslie! The CBS coverage is about the Pentagon offering bribes to the Taliban to switch sides in the war....this story above is about the US paying current Taliban fighters to guard military supply convoys from other Taliban fighters.....which could possibly be called a "temporary" switch of sides but it's more like they are fleecing the US. Keep looking sister.

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