
Friday, December 18, 2009


* Actually I am getting a bit tired of taking on Senior Obama but it seems rather important these days. Our world is crumbling around us and this guy is working overtime to ensure that he does the opposite of everything that we truly need to wrest control of our country and planet from the hands of the corporate oligarchy.

* It's very cold here in Maine, the wind is blowing and the temperatures are hovering at the zero mark as I write this. I need to go out and bring more wood into the house for our now fully functioning wood stove. I went for a long walk in this weather yesterday and most people thought I was just a bit crazy for doing so. I keep remembering the words of our Florida friend Julie Netzer when we were moving to Maine almost seven years ago: "You wait til you get to Maine with that thin blood of yours after 30 years here in Florida. I'll give you one year, no, you are pretty stubborn, I'll give you two years and you will be back." But actually I love the cold weather.

* I taped another edition of my cable TV show the other day and noticed that December 18 is the sixth anniversary of the show we call This Issue. During this period I have had 74 guests. What a pleasure it has been. I thank all those who help produce the show: Eric Herter, Selma Sternlieb, Dan Ellis, Samantha Herter, and Bob Lezer. Without that volunteer crew it would not be happening.

* The new space war film Pax Americana and the Weaponization of Space is now scheduled to soon be aired on the French public TV network, Flemish public network, in France and Germany on the ARTE network, in Finland on the national public network, Sweden on national public network and in Israel on the YES cable network. A good start I'd say. They are now lining up key film festivals in the US to premier the film here.

* Tomorrow we have the next planning meeting of our Maine Campaign to Bring Our War $$ Home here at the Addams-Melman House in Bath. I promised to make a big pot of veggie soup for everyone as many of us will be standing for an hour before the meeting in the cold in front of Bath Iron Works for the Advent disarmament vigil.

* The radio show I do each week with Peter Woodruff has been moved to Wednesday from 6-8 pm (EST) on the Bowdoin College station. You can listen to the show live on-line by clicking on this link at WBOR and then hitting the yellow Listen Now button on the top right corner. We were doing the Sunday morning shift (we called ourselves the Sunday step-children). We play political music and talk shop. Tune in if you can.

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