
Tuesday, December 15, 2009


We began our new weekly peace vigil (every Tuesday from 5-5:30 pm) tonight here in Bath. Since I moved to Maine almost seven years ago I have vigiled in Brunswick (about 10 miles away) on Friday nights but we have not had a weekly vigil here. With Obama's surge in Afghanistan underway it was clear to me that we needed to get one going in our town of just over 9,000 people.

Five of us set up on the busiest corner in town for the 1/2 hour tonight and got about 12 honks from cars going by. One woman, stopped at the light right in front of me, had her window down a bit and I could hear the Credence Clearwater Revival anti-war song "Fortunate Son" playing and then as she drove off she flipped us her middle finger. I saw that she was also singing along with the song - talk about cognitive dissonance! Most people driving by just tried to avoid eye contact.

So we will hold this vigil in Bath every Tuesday no matter the weather....rain, snow, cold......we will be there, even if it is only a couple of us.

We all need to step it up these days. Those twelve cars that honked were moved to push on their horns and our hope is that seeing us out there week after week will move some folks to take a step beyond the current political box they reside in.

We don't need everyone, we just need enough.

RADIO UPDATE: David Swanson and I did a one-hour radio interview together today on WBAI in New York City. You can listen to the audio here

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