
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Totem poles depicting men and women in Gangjung village on Jeju Island

My sleep pattern is still not back to normal. I am waking up very early, much too early for me. My appetite though is back and I've already had a good pasta meal. I suffered from not enough pasta during my three weeks in South Korea. I have to spend a day making a big batch of sauce which should finally put me back into shape.

There has been lots of mail to sort through, emails to answer, new email addresses to enter into the computer, and yesterday I had a repairman come to see about my crashed laptop. He said he thinks it got zapped because it is about as serious as it gets. He thinks I will need to buy a new laptop and he hopes he can save the data on it....... Who would want to zap my computer?

I'm just nibbling at my To Do list, don't have the energy to read much right now, my brain is only half reporting for work.

Going to see Michael Moore's new movie on capitalism on Wednesday night, we are making it an Addams-Melman House group activity. I promised to buy everyone in the house dinner afterward as a pay-off for them having to do all the house chores while I was gone for three weeks. They all easily accepted my guilt-tripped offer.

I've been talking alot about the food I ate in South Korea since I've been home and Friday night, as another pay off, I will attempt to make a Bath-version of "bibimbap" - the traditional rice and vegetable dish that I ate enough times while in Korea that I should be able to pull it off.

I've heard from many people, including several Korean-Americans, who saw my blog post about Jeju Island. It is really exciting for me to know that there is interest out there in the Jeju video that hopefully will be available in a couple of weeks.

Basketball season for my team, the Washington Wizards, begins tonight. Hopefully it will turn out better than my Orioles baseball season did.

The level of progressive protest in the US seems to be heating back up. After a late summer of right-wing tea-baggers, and their town hall stormings, it appears that the progressives are coming off the sidelines and getting back into the swing of things. Obama seems to be tacking back and forth as the wind changes which is no surprise. The Democrats in Congress are doing their usual talk big but do-little antics. So not much seems to have changed back here while I was gone.

My next trip will be to Oregon on November 12-14 to talk about drones. Before then I need to chop some more wood but I will have to get out of my pajamas to do that - easier said than done.

Recently Dr. Helen Caldicott had me on her national Pacifica radio show for an hour. You can listen to the interview here

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