
Tuesday, December 02, 2008


Gen. Jones being introduced by Bush's former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz

Obama's National Security Adviser pick, Gen. James Jones, will "impose discipline on the members of the [national security] team," says Zbigniew Brzezinski. "We will see more global political planning under Gen. Jones," Brzezinski predicts.

Brzezinski, who served as Jimmy Carter's National Security Adviser and was one of Obama's early supporters, was interviewed yesterday by his daughter Mika on MSNBC's Morning Joe news talk program.

One MSNBC reporter said Obama's foreign policy will be similar to that of George H.W. Bush. Correspondent Chuck Todd reported that Gen. Jones is a close buddy of John McCain and was likely picked for his new role because Secretary of Defense (DoD) Robert Gates insisted on having Jones be part of the team if Obama wanted Gates to remain at DoD.

Gen. Jones, since retiring from the Marine Corps where he served as head of NATO, now sits on the boards of Chevron oil, Boeing Aerospace, and Cross Match Technologies where they are creating “identity management solutions” including, fingerprint and palm scanners, facial recognition solutions, and iris capture devices.

Gen. Jones should fit in well with Obama's call for an expanded war in Afghanistan. In an interview with Sea Power Magazine in November 2002, Jones praised the role of technology and transformation in the advancement of military supremacy: “We will truly be able to accomplish missions like Afghanistan without breaking a sweat,” he said.

Such confidence. You know the old saying, "American power knows no limits."

According to one peace researcher, Gen. Jones Jones is also an advocate of a “Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Initiative,” an “interagency plan to combat terrorism in trans-Saharan Africa using a range of political, economic and security tools.”

The bulk of this strategy is aimed at funding, training, and supplying arms to a professional African security force, which will take directions from the U.S. and NATO.

"Africa's vast potential makes African stability a near-term global strategic imperative," Jones said. "Development of effective security structures in Africa will establish the foundation for future success."

Success for whom you might ask?

One of the first tasks for Jones will likely be to find a country on the African continent to host the Pentagon's new command - Africa Command (AfriCom). Up to this point most African countries have been reluctant to agree to host the command fully understanding the U.S. has designs on the significant resource base on the continent. But with a black president ,with roots in Kenya, it is likely that Obama will lead the U.S. military into greater control of Africa. The Pentagon, during the Bush administration, boldly predicted that "We will be fighting in Africa 20 years from now."

Jones will be a key player in the expansion of U.S. military global operations. Watch him like a hawk.

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