
Friday, December 12, 2008


This photo is not from here though it could be. We will have a full moon tonight - in fact it will be the biggest and brightest full Moon of the year.

We have many of these big Christmas trees with lights in town squares this time of year. And we are right now in the middle of an ice and snow storm. So yes, this could be Maine. Isn't it lovely?

Can you imagine that I lived in Florida for 30 years and longed for this kind of weather?.....Cold and quaint little snow-capped towns. And now here I am. Dreams can come true.

I must put on my boots and go for a walk in all of it today.....I don't care how cold it will be. I must do it.

Let's see, should I say something political here now?......there is so much to be said......but I just want to enjoy the weather and the's so warm by the wood stove this morning.

I've got to bring in some more wood. Maybe I will do that now.

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