
Wednesday, July 27, 2005

I leave on Thursday for a two-week speaking tour out to Oregon, Washington and Victoria BC. Will stop in about 10 locations along the trip for talks. Should be quite exciting. Hope the weather, yes we have global warming, will cool off by then. Will try to get some small tidbits about the trip onto the blog while I travel. My book arrives from the printer on last! Best wishes to all. Stop the Bush madness.

1 comment:

  1. Hope the weather, yes we have global warming, will cool off by then.

    In general, sure, the climate is getting warmer. The sticky bits are a) what if anything can we actually do about it and b) are the causes natural or man-made.

    But have a good trip. The Northwest is at it's best this time of year. Take a day trip and check out St. Helens - it's worth it.
