There have been various periods of capital accumulation during US
history. The
Robber Barons of the industrial age wrung everything they
could from the working class. The tactics they used then are very similar
to those used today by their descendants on Wall Street.
During the late 1800's to early 1900's in the US there was much movement
building in response to the greedy capitalists than ran the nation.
Labor, women's suffrage, farmers, Socialist, Communist, and other movements
created the national pressures that led to Social Security, unemployment
insurance, the eight-hour day and 40-hour work week, and other great leaps
forward in human and economic rights.
Today much of this social progress is being dismantled as we see global
corporations squeeze working class and poor people around the world.
These greedy bastards care nothing about the people.
Anyone paying the slightest attention can see that the public is now rising
up in response and fighting back. Here in the US and around the world
students are increasingly organizing as are service industry workers, peace
activists, climate change organizations, anti-austerity movements, civil
liberties groups, native people with Idle No More, anti-foreclosure groups, and
All of these movements are pointing directly at the growing power of
corporations who control our governments and use the forces of the state to try
to repress us. As these movements continue to grow their power will
become so deep and wide that the police and military forces of any state won't
be able to control them.
Here in the US we now see super-majorities in the polls that oppose endless
war, cuts in social spending, and more give-a-ways to Wall Street
banksters. Things break down for us though at the congressional level and courts
as the corporations, not the people, control those levers of power.
Our solution will not come from the gun, or the halls of Congress or any
Parliament. Our collective victory against this current period of capital
accumulation will only come by an energized global commons that takes their
outrage into the streets in a massive show of non-violent protest. This
protest must not be a one-shot deal but sustained over time and must link
energies and demands across the planet.
We the people of the world are brothers and sisters. The global
corporate class remains in power because they pit us against one another -
using religion, skin color, language, and ignorance as their tools.
we recognize the humanity in one another, and learn to love each other, then we
will be able to take back the power to determine our future on this tiny
beautiful orb spinning through space.